فما عرفوا قدرك سيدي |
همام محمد الجرف |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحمن ياجاهلا قدر النبي محمداً ويحك هل كنت بفعلك هذا قاصدا أم الجهل أعماك أم كنت بطبعك أرعناً والحِقد في قلبك أسودا أفإن كنت تدَّعي للمسيح محبةً فاسمه على لسان المسيح ترددا أن من بعدي رسولٌ أبشركم به وفي آيٍ منزَّلة ويدعى أحمدا فكن منصفا مرَّةً فهلا قرأت سيرته حتى لاتكون لفضله جاحدا فلو قرأتها لهمت بحُبِّه وحُسنِه فلكم كان بحميد الخصال متفرِّدا بالمؤمنين رؤوفٌ رحيمٌ وبالخصم حليمٌ وكان الخصم مُفسِدا وكم كان يرتجي للناس هدايةً حتى صار الجمعُ للإله موحدا فبمبعثه الأكوان قد زانت ووجه الدنا من حسن خلقه توردا والظلم قد زال والحق انتصر والعدل صار فينا حكماً سائدا فعذرا سيدي فلقد كفاك الإله شرَّ مستهزأٍ والسفيه المعاندا فما عرفوا قدرك سيدي ولو عرفوه لغنموا ونالوا السؤددا ولنجت عقولهم من درن غيهم ولأدركوا كم كنت فينا خالدا ولكن مهما تطاولتم فهذا نبينا نتبع ولقد جاوزنا به هام الفرقدا والله قد أعظم قدره وفي آي القرآن العظيم كان ممجدا فهل يستوي أولي البأس الشديد مع من كان وهماً متبددا لا والله فالأيام بيننا دولٌ والحق لابدَّ ظاهر وروحي له الفدا فيارب معه صحبةً في دار الخلد واجعلني لحوضه واردا واهد إلى الحق كل من دب فوق الثرى فالنبي بذلك يكون الأسعدا فأهل البصائر قد رأوه بأم عين اليقين جلياً فبلغوا المقصدا وتبِعوا دينه حباَ له فكان أمينا على الدين من الإله مؤيدا وأهل العناد قد أصابهم خزي الدنيا وفي الأخرة لهم الردى فاغنم قبل الفوت يامن كنت عن الحق غافلاً وللعين أرمدا فالعمر سويعات وتمضي فإما نعيمٌ مقيمٌ أو في نار جهنَّم مخلَّدا |
فما عرفوا قدرك سيدي
بسمة الزهرة- المراقبــين
- مساهمة رقم 1
فما عرفوا قدرك سيدي
موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء
بسمة الزهرة- المراقبــين
- مساهمة رقم 2
رد: فما عرفوا قدرك سيدي
What they have known is your destiny
Hamam Mohammed Al-Jarf
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,
Yajahla as much as the Prophet Muhammad and rubs you do you do this purpose
Or ignorance, whether you are by your own nature, and the hatred in your heart is black
If you claim to Christ the love of his name on the tongue of Christ is hesitant
That after me, I will inform you of him, and in any place, he is called Ahmad
So be fair once he read his biography so as not to favor him alone
If you read it, you would love it and make it better
Believers Rauf Rahim and discount Halim was the opponent spoiled
And how many people would have been guided until the union of God became united
By the glory of the universes has been decorated and the face of DNA from the good creation of the descent
Injustice has been done, justice has been won and justice has become a common rule in us
O Lord, my Lord has forgiven you of evil, mockery, and foolishness
And what they have known is the destiny of my lord, even if they have known him to be rich, and have received the spoils
And their minds escaped from their hearts, and to see how much you were in us forever
But no matter how you go, this is our prophet
God has the greatest ability and in the Holy Quran was glorified
Is the first of the extreme cruelty with whom he was a stubborn
No God, the days between us States and the right must be apparent and spiritual to him the redemption
Fareeb with him in the house of the mole and make me to his basin will come
And to the right to each bear over the rich, so the prophet is the happiest
The visionaries saw him with great certainty, and they reached the camp
And followed his religion and love for him and was faithful to the religion of God in favor
And the people of stubbornness have been afflicted with the shame of the world, and in the afterlife to them the evil
And I will be a sheep before the fowl
The age is a matter of hours and passes, either a living or a fire of hell
Hamam Mohammed Al-Jarf
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,
Yajahla as much as the Prophet Muhammad and rubs you do you do this purpose
Or ignorance, whether you are by your own nature, and the hatred in your heart is black
If you claim to Christ the love of his name on the tongue of Christ is hesitant
That after me, I will inform you of him, and in any place, he is called Ahmad
So be fair once he read his biography so as not to favor him alone
If you read it, you would love it and make it better
Believers Rauf Rahim and discount Halim was the opponent spoiled
And how many people would have been guided until the union of God became united
By the glory of the universes has been decorated and the face of DNA from the good creation of the descent
Injustice has been done, justice has been won and justice has become a common rule in us
O Lord, my Lord has forgiven you of evil, mockery, and foolishness
And what they have known is the destiny of my lord, even if they have known him to be rich, and have received the spoils
And their minds escaped from their hearts, and to see how much you were in us forever
But no matter how you go, this is our prophet
God has the greatest ability and in the Holy Quran was glorified
Is the first of the extreme cruelty with whom he was a stubborn
No God, the days between us States and the right must be apparent and spiritual to him the redemption
Fareeb with him in the house of the mole and make me to his basin will come
And to the right to each bear over the rich, so the prophet is the happiest
The visionaries saw him with great certainty, and they reached the camp
And followed his religion and love for him and was faithful to the religion of God in favor
And the people of stubbornness have been afflicted with the shame of the world, and in the afterlife to them the evil
And I will be a sheep before the fowl
The age is a matter of hours and passes, either a living or a fire of hell
موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء