موقع قف وناظر

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
موقع قف وناظر

اسلامي ثقافي حواء وادم موقع قف وناظر ملتقى العالمي مجلة قف وناظر منتدى عالمي فنانين ومشاهير نجوم علماء وموسوعه

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    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف admin الأربعاء 3 يناير - 16:03


    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء
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    فرفوشة صغنونة
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    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف فرفوشة صغنونة الأربعاء 3 أغسطس - 23:04

    Gebed Ynyaoe10
    Gebed Ynyaoe11
    Gebed Ynyaoe12

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Gebed Ibc64710


    انا الدلع
    انا الدلع
    المديره العامه
    المديره العامه

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف انا الدلع الخميس 11 نوفمبر - 8:01

    thanx crazy love

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء
    Gebed IV086839
    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:18

    [color:20f7=#000]Prayer need
    Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon the Messenger of God and his family and After:

    It was narrated in Sunan al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah and women and others from the hadeeth of Abdullah ibn Abi fuller that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (Those who have a need to God or to one of the sons of Adam wudoo and to improve and its light and then to reach rak'ahs then to deter the on God Almighty and up to the Prophet peace be upon him and say: (no God but Allah, Halim Karim Hallelujah Lord of the Throne Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. cords causes of Your mercy and spells Mvgrtk and immunity from every sin and booty of all righteousness and safety of all sin do not let me sin, but Ghafrth nor are they Faragth but do not need is for you satisfaction but I spent my most merciful) has increased by Ibn Majah narrated it in his novel of "and then ask the God of this world and the Hereafter, it is estimated wills."

    This prayer is called these scholars need for prayer. The scholars differed as to work in this talk because of differences in certification, some of them see the inadmissibility of the work he has proven he has not because in its chain usefulness Bin Abdul Rahman Al Kufi narrator Abdullah ibn Abi is fully up to them. Some of them see it is permissible to work for two reasons.

    1. That his ways and is strengthened by the evidence. And usefulness have written down.

    2. That the virtues of business and the virtues of the business employing the weak to speak out if you fell into a steady and did not oppose what is healthier. This is happening here. This view is most desirable, in sha Allaah be upon him and a group of scientists.
    With regard to how their performance is how this mentioned in the hadeeth.
    And Allaah knows best.

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:17

    [color:30b6=#000]Ramadan Taraweeh prayers do [/ b]

    [B] what he reads in

    [B] Which is better for one, to pray to do in a group or at home?

    The reward of peace with the imam until he finishes in Ramadan

    Of death dinner

    Qunoot do in Ramadan

    Formula Qunoot in Ramadan

    Qunoot speak and raise the hands when

    The definition of Taraweeh

    Which is a prayer group pray during the nights of Ramadan, Taraweeh Troyhp collection, so named because they were first met by resting between each Tzlimitin, as Hafiz Ibn Hajar said God's mercy, also known as the establishment of Ramadan.


    Years, and said obligation, which the symbols of the Muslims in Ramadan did not deny but an innovator, "said Al Qahtani God's mercy in Noneth:

    And fasting Ramadaan is obligatory duty and our elderly in Ramadan

    The Taraweeh rest at night and the activity of each Aouijz Lazy

    God, what an evil but make Taraweeh Magi and Shiites Satan

    Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy on him: (but hate the Shiites Taraweeh). Total Fataawa, 23/20.

    Guide rule

    The Ramadan in a group project Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him did not attend it, fearing that imposes, Aisha may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him went out at night from the middle of the night and prayed in the mosque, and prayed the men prayed, bringing people They described, gathered more of them, prayed pray with him, bringing people They described Vkther people in the mosque of the third night, went out the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him prayed behind, when he was the fourth night unable to the mosque from his family until he came out for the morning prayer, when he finished the dawn turned to the people will see Then he said: after it did not hide on your place, but I was afraid to impose upon you Vtadzoa them, and he died the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and it is on that. "Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2013].

    And when he died, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and the security imposed by the revived this year, Omar may Allah be pleased with him, went out by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh from Abd al-Rahman bin Abdul-Continental, he said: "I went out with Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him for the night in Ramadan to the mosque and the people were scattered man to pray for himself, and pray the man following his prayer, Umar said: "I think that if I collected these one reader, it will be better, then he decides to unite them behind Ubay ibn Ka'b, and then went out with him the other night, people were praying behind their reader," said Omar: Yes, innovation this and slept better than them that they wanted last night and people are beginning. "Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2010].

    I said: Murad Omar linguistic heresy heresy here, but they are years old and enacted the Prophet peace be upon him and revived Omar, who ordered us to uphold and his companions: "You have my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs after me, cling tightly to" talk.

    And the loop that Omar ibn al-Zubayr may Allah be pleased with him to bring people to the holy month of Ramadan, the men of Abu ibn Ka'b, and women to Solomon ibn Abi Hathmah. Bayhaqi in Sunan al-Kubra.

    And Roy, who was praying in women Tamim Dari may Allah be pleased with him.

    And Arfajah Thaqafi said: "It was Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him tell the people to the fact that Ramadan makes an imam for men and for women, I figured I'm in front of women." Bayhaqi in Sunan al-Kubra.

    Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: "The Prophet peace be upon him wish to do in Ramadan is to tell them with determination." Agreed.

    And God bless the Imam Qahtani al-Maliki when he said:

    Prophet prayed three times by the desire of the group and narrated it There are two


    We have urged the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, terming the Ramadan and wish it did not resolve, and has been Ancestors kept it, all the Muslims to live Sunnah of their Prophet and not Ithaonowa nor Icaglua it with the useless, the century of peace be upon him between fasting and, narrated from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says the taller of Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his previous sins." Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2008].

    In a novel in him is also true: "of the Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward will be forgiven his previous sins." Bukhari Book Taraweeh No. [2009].

    And more women in the novel to him: "What the delay," he said in al-Fath. C 4 / 251.

    Hafiz Ibn Hajar said may God have mercy on him: (the phenomenon of dealing with major and minor sins, and has asserted Ibn al-.-Nawawi said: It is known that regard trivial, and has asserted the Holy Imam and attributed Ayaz of the Sunnis, some of them said: It is permissible to alleviate a major sin if you had not come across small.

    To be said: As stated in the foregoing forgiveness of sins and delayed several conversations collected in a single book, The A_i_klt this increase in terms of forgiveness requires that something already forgiven and the backlog of sins forgiven, how is yet to come? The answer to this comes in saying peace be upon him the story of God Almighty, he said the people of Badr: "Do what you like, I have forgiven you," sum up the answer: it was said that a euphemism for save them from sin is not located them great after that. It was said that means that their sins are forgiven). Source Previous 251 252.

    My dear brother, you should not miss this credit, do not realize what the whole does not leave Gelle, separated facilitate you that you can not complete with the imam.

    Beware of the most cautious reputation and hypocrisy, which in other business, an understanding of the work Mbtalan Mvsdan for the reward.

    And then

    After Isha prayer until dawn.

    And do in last night is better than to do at the beginning for those who facilitate them, and they have agreed, because Omar may Allah be pleased with him: "and that her sleep is better than that they are."

    The number of rak'ahs

    Better to do in Ramadan and other eleven rak'ahs, which he assiduously upon peace be upon him, as the true from Aisha, may Allah be pleased I was asked: How was the prayer peace be upon him in Ramadan? She said: "What was the increase in Ramadan nor in the other eleven rak'ahs, pray four, because Btzlimitin night prayers are two by two. Do not ask me how beautiful or how long they were, and then pray four, do not ask me how beautiful or how long they were, then he would pray three. "Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2013].

    Although it was broad in scope, has counted Hafiz Ibn Hajar in al-Fath Allah's mercy c 3 / 253 254. Words in it, with evidence, namely:

    1. Eleven rak'ah chord with three rak'ahs.

    2. Thirteen rak'ahs tendon with three rak'ahs.

    3. Twenty-one rak'ah tendon with three rak'ahs.

    4. Twenty-three rak'ahs tendon with three rak'ahs.

    5. Thirty-nine rak'ahs tendon with three rak'ahs.

    6. Forty-one rak'ah tendon with three rak'ahs.

    7. Forty-nine rak'ahs tendon with three rak'ahs.

    There is no saheeh hadeeth from the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace in the number of rak'ahs Taraweeh prayers but an interview with Aisha: "A ten rak'ahs," the report narrated from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to pray in Ramadan twenty rak and the odd" so its isnaad Poor as Hafiz Ibn Hajar said.

    And the numbers other than the eleven affected from his companions and followers, and followed them in truth until the Day of Judgement, and al Qaeda have in that if they were reading Otallowa reduced if the number of recitation and hid in reading increased the number of recitation.

    And God der Shafei what Ovqha where he said, as told by him Za'farani: (I saw people doing Medea nine and thirty. Explained the increase in people of the city to the people of Mecca that the people of Mecca were touring between each Zbehtin weeks., And in Mecca twenty-three, and not in anything of that narrow) . Fath c 3 / 253.

    He also said: (The Otallowa do little, and prostrating prostration is good but ate and hid reading is good, and I love to) open c 3 / 253.

    In conclusion, the healthiest and the best thing that Ramadan will be held in one of the ten rak'ah with prolonged reading, and critical details of the more than that.

    And Beware the imams of the mitigation crowbar, that Tqrwoa in the first example, after light verse about "Mayoramtan" or Baksar wall of the earthquake and the aftermath, and the second is always sincere, then ease in violation of, with this lack of confidence in the bowing and prostration, and the competition where it is overtaking the launch of to do to do it.

    And beware, O congregation to protest your imam if about to lengthen in the think by saying peace be upon him: "Mother people Vlikhvv", this inference with a difference and the big difference, he said peace be upon him to forbid when he read in the first rak'ah in the evening prayer cow all, in the second, including Inasf cow, where this is something that imams do today?!

    Read what the

    Did not read them with a challenge, and was prolonging the Ancestors and mustahabb scholars to complete the Qur'aan in Ramadaan to hear the people all of the Koran in the Koran, and some hate on the increase only if the group colluded to that, there is nothing wrong with it.

    Narrated by Maalik in al-Rahman Abd-Araj said: "I heard my father say:" We get down in the Ramadan of the servants to do Venstjl suhoor fear of dawn.

    Maalik also for bulk bin Yazid said: "Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him Abi bin Ka'b, Tmima Dari want to do for people and the reader reads Balmaitin so we rely on the stick so long, and we only get down in the branches of dawn.

    Al-Bayhaqi from Abu isnad Othman El-Hindi said: "Umar ibn al-Khattab called three readers BETA Fastqrohm ordered to read to read to the people thirty verses, and ordered to be read Said one of them twenty-five verses, and ordered to be read Obtohm twentieth verse. See Total for nuclear c 4 / 33 34.

    Ibn Qudaamah said: Ahmad said: Balqom read in the month of Ramadan, the secret of the people, not difficult for them, especially in the nights are short. Summer nights where the nine-hour night and day, up to fifteen hours.

    It is on the bear people, "said Judge Abu Ali: (not recommended to decrease for the month to complete it in people hear all of the Qur'aan and no more than to complete it, hate the hardship of his successor, under any circumstances and appreciation of the people first). Singer c 2 / 607.

    And Ibn Abd al-Barr said: (and reading in the month of Ramadan, ten verses of sleepless, and increases in the verses Kassar, and reads the fence along the lines of the Koran). Adequate to the son of Abd al-Barr, p. 74.

    You Muslim brother to compare read our righteous predecessors in carrying out and read most of our imams in mosques, including peacekeepers, and then judge to see the wide gap between us and them.

    Which is better for one, to pray to do in a group or at home?

    If you set up the Taraweeh prayers in congregation in mosques, went scholars in the doctrines of:

    1. To do with people better, and that the doctrine of the public, to do Omar may Allah be pleased with him, and the keenness of the Muslims that the length of time.

    2. Do at home is better, which is narrated from Maalik and Abu Yusuf and some Shafi'i, for saying peace be upon him: "The best man's prayer in his house only started." Him.

    3. Issue vary according to persons, it was memorized the Koran The energetic values alone do not disrupted the prayer in the mosque, staying away in his prayer group and the house either, but if disturbed condition of these conditions, then his prayer with the congregation better.

    The reward of peace with the imam until he finishes in Ramadan

    There is no limit to the number of rak'ahs in Ramadan, Vmare be hosted as he wishes, whether praying in a group or at home, but is recommended for those who pray with a group of Muslims to go out with the imam and pray Witr with him, because of the hadeeth of Abu Dhar is addressed to the Prophet, peace be upon him: "If people that arrived with the imam until he finishes them do that night." [22]

    Abu Dawood said may God have mercy on him: (I heard Ahmad say: "I like to pray with the imam and pray Witr with him, said:" Ahmed was with the people and freaking them).

    Of death dinner

    If he enters the human mosque and found people had poured out of the evening prayer and proceeded to do, bless dinner first solo Oouma group has to come with the imam structure dinner then when the imam had completed his prayer, and the difference does not affect, for Snie Maaz and approved by the Prophet peace be upon him, where he was praying Dinner with the Prophet peace be upon him and come to pray the people of Quba dinner where have this prayer goes, does not have to proceed with the Taraweeh is not up dinner.

    Qunoot do in Ramadan

    Gold scholars in Qunoot plugged in doctrines are:

    1. Qunoot is recommended that in every Ramadan, is the view of a number of companions was also the owner and face of who compiled.

    2. Qunoot is recommended that in the other half of Ramadan, the famous doctrine of Shafi'i.

    3. Kanwat not plugged in, not only in Ramadan nor in the other.

    4. Was not always so, so Qunoot and leaves.

    5. At times of calamity, and others, agreed.

    Ibn al-Qayyim God's mercy: not true for the Prophet peace be upon him in the gut Kanwat any bowing before or after something.

    The sorts: Tell me Muhammad ibn Yahya El Kahal, he said to Abu Abdullah in Qunoot plugged in? He said: It is not, it is narrated from the Prophet peace be upon him something, but it was Omar Qunoot from year to year.

    To be said: in the gut and Qunoot Mahfouz Omar Ibn Masood and healthier than their novel Qunoot at dawn, and the novel about the Prophet peace be upon him in piety healthier dawn of the novel in Kanwat tendon, and God knows best) [23].

    Formula Qunoot in Ramadan

    It is mentioned in Qunoot plugged in the report narrated by al-Sunan [24] from al-Hasan he said: Messenger of Allah peace be upon him words to say in the gut: "O Allah, guide me who guided, and grant those who Avi, and Toleni who EDT, Park with given, Protect me from evil What I spent, you do not spend Tedei you, he does not humiliate and Lalit Lord blessed and exalted. "

    It was narrated from Ali may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him used to say in the last saw him: "O Allah, I Seek Protection, Help me, and I seek refuge in You from You, not counted Tinaa You are as You have praised Yourself." [25]

    Qunoot speak and raise the hands when

    He may Qunoot including wills of supplications, and other classical and recite and believe in from behind and raise his hands, but should be wary lengthy and assonance, detail, and that it only calls for the university world and the Hereafter, and warns against abuse in their prayers.

    The last prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and May Allah guide us and for you to fast and do, and make us and you from the people whom He redeems this month, and we ask God that can be of Islam and Muslims and humiliate the infidels and unbelievers, and blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

    (1) Total Fataawa, 23/20.

    (2) Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2013].

    (3) Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2010].

    (4) al-Bayhaqi in Sunan al-Kubra.

    (5) al-Bayhaqi in Sunan al-Kubra.

    (6) Agreed.

    (7) Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2008].

    (Bukhari Book Taraweeh No. [2009].

    9 (c) 4 / 251.

    (10) Source Previous 251 252.

    (11) Btzlimitin because the night prayers are two by two.

    (12) Sahih Bukhari Book of Taraweeh prayers No. [2013].

    (13) c 3 / 253 254.

    (14) explained the increase on the people of the city the people of Mecca that the people of Mecca were touring between each Zbehtin weeks.

    (15) c Conquest 3 / 253.

    (16) c Conquest 3 / 253.

    (17) See Total for nuclear c 4 / 33 34.

    (18) summer nights where the nine-hour night and day, up to fifteen hours.

    (19) singer c 2 / 607.

    (20) sufficient to Ibn Abd al-Barr, p. 74.

    (21) Muslim.

    (22) Narrated by Abu Dawood in the Ramadan c 1 / 317 and Women's and Ibn Majah.

    (23) increased the re-c 1 / 334 335.

    (24) Abu Dawood [1424] and al-Tirmidhi [464] and Ahmed [1718] It is true attribution.

    (25) Tirmidhi [356] and Abu Dawood [1427].

    [/ B] [/ b]

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:17

    How to prayer patient
    Praise be to Allah who made the prayer book on the believers at fixed hours, and may Allah bless him and bless His Messenger, saying: "Between a man and disbelief" in the novel "and shirk his giving up prayer."

    That was the last advice given by the nation which Mpharq for this life: "Prayer and proprietary."

    [color:3b3c=#000]Prayer written for not flying the neighborhood never very sane, but for a menstruating woman and when she is menstruating or bleeding following childbirth and postpartum, and said that God on the lips of Jesus, peace be upon him: "and advised me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live."

    For that praise God and His believing slaves Bamadaomp to maintain the prayer, saying: "only the faithful who are at their permanent ... and who are at their worship."

    Edema Alsahin by the excessive, saying: "So woe unto those who are neglectful of their prayers."

    You Muslim brother to lead prayers at the time the written them how they can bear, in the case of health, disease and urban travel, as long as you present the mind, does not cost the breath of God than it can bear, is not permissible for you to be delayed under the pretext of illness versus no mastery of the purity of the event and slag for the specified time If she does then you are deliberately neglects the prayer, how God had commanded its performance in the event of escalation of fighting and fight swords, whether the future of the Qiblah Oomstdberha passengers or on foot, he says: "the fear or Faragala Rkpana."

    Ibn Umar: "My future is kiss and her hosts."

    Narrated Nafi from Ibn Umar said: "If you fear more passengers and present peace beckons Iimea," said Shafie may God have mercy on him: "There is nothing wrong to hit a strike and stab stab" in a prayer and do not invalidate his prayer.

    And yet ...

    This research brief on how the prayer of the sick, wrote a reminder to myself and my advice to my Muslim brothers greatness as much as prayer and the seriousness of neglecting those in case of illness, has prompted me to that neglects many of the patients to perform the prayer written especially if Mnoma hospital for an operation which leaves some prayer to get out of hospital as part of that will come out of a sound to spend these liturgies, even within that what happened to him to delay the prayer, one time only in the event go mind fainted Oojnon Ootkhadder, and ignorance as well as how to pray the patient is unable to stand or kneel and prostrate, and the achievement of purity of the event and the slag.

    One of the most important duties of parents of patients lieutenants them in homes and hospitals, commented doctors and nurses in hospitals alert Patients with them and remind them to pray and to enter the time, and helping them to purity and to help them, this is more important than the doses medication in the due dates, and departments of hospitals to determine the qibla in each wards and inpatient rooms, and work and put posters that show how prayer patient who is unable to do and sitting in prayer, and the like, this advice from the door due to the general Muslims.

    It is amazing all the wonderful attention from parents of patients to bring all the needs of the patient's medication and food, etc. Thawnehm to remind the patient and alert and have him pray in a timely manner that it can in, and patience that, as commanded by the Lord Almighty, saying: "and ordered the family to pray, that ye it We do not ask a baby Nrozkk. "

    And ordered to clean ourselves and our people with the fire, he said: "O you who believe yourselves and your families against a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, angels, stern."

    You have to compare my dear brother between keenness Ancestors in this regard and the Tafritna day when, according to Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with: "When challenged Omar may Allah be pleased with him Ahtmmelth I and a group of fans even We brought him home, and he kept in a trance, and one even resulted in, and said: Prayer O faithful! opened his eyes, he said: "I pray people?! We said: Yes, he said:" There is no luck in Islam is a praying, prayed, and hurting Itab blood. "

    In the novel: "A man said:" You will not only Tvzaaoh prayer, "said the rest of the talking.

    O Allah, make prayer and from my offspring of our Lord, accept my prayer, and prayed God's blessings and peace on the best of prayed and fasted and slept and he and his family and gluten customers.

    [B] Purity of the patient by energy [/ b]

    Of the conditions of validity of prayer purity of the event and slag, for the body, clothing and the place of prayer, it is able to purify himself with water, let him do, it was by the wounds and fractures forced or Mjbsp washing of sound in the ablution, washing and scanning on the splints and plaster, the patient is unable to use water Oovkdh go to the Purity dirt, dust tayammum to, the inability to use water and dirt without the blessings of purity, and then restart it.

    The same applies to one's body and clothing and the place of prayer, if he did that purifies, and only prayed for the situation out with the faeces and urine of it, he has prayed Omar may Allah be pleased with him, as noted above and blood dripped from him and all his clothes stained with blood.

    Said in the refinement of the Code of Brazai: (and permissible to pray with the patient on the bed of impure if it extend garment clean thick).

    [B] alert [/ b]

    Cut your hands to the elbows and legs to the ankles and ears Ooaadimanma Ooouhidahma Oomsh wash the rest and peace.

    [B] how to pray the patient [/ b]

    Pray the patient standing, and could not then sitting, and if he can not On the right side, if he can not on your side pane, if he can not pray lying on his back, if he can not lean forward with his head, if he can not with his hand, did not remember the transfer and, thus, the inability of the reference may indicate motioned with his hand, the inability of acts conducted prayers for the heart, the imprisonment of the tongue that shall be prescribed in the Koran and due to his heart as being acts.

    This is how the public, and Imam Abu Hanifa, may God have mercy on him that it was unable to gesture with his head down praying with him, said: "If recovered, he of the judiciary; and this odd view, because prayer is not flying for one only if he went his mind, and God bless Abu Hanifa when he said : This is my opinion, it came to me opinion is better than accepted, and thank God that did not make the difference in the abstract argument for the directory.

    [B] Here's the evidence [/ b]

    1. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her said: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in his house, he is not sure, he prayed sitting, and prayed behind the people standing, he gestured to them to sit down, and when he finished, he said:" The imam is appointed to be followed, if the bows Farcawa, and if raise the bowing. "

    2. Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: "Messenger of God fell peace be upon him from the horse Fajdash Oovjhac We entered upon the right apartment to visit him, time for prayer came and prayed sitting Vsalina sitting."

    3. And Imran ibn Husayn, may Allah be pleased with him: "I had haemorrhoids and fistula in the novel I asked the Prophet peace be upon him said:" Pray standing, if you can not then sitting, and if you can not on your side. "

    4. And Imran ibn Husayn, may Allah be pleased with him said: "I asked the Prophet, peace be upon him and pray for the man when he is seated, he said:" Whoever prays in place is better, and he prayed sitting half the reward-based, and peace be asleep half the reward he is sitting; "said Abu Abdullah Bukhari: but I lay here.

    5. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased when Tabaraani: "pray standing, and encounters difficulty Vjalsa, the blessings of encounters difficulty sleeping."

    Hafiz Ibn Hajar said may God have mercy on him: (he said, commenting on the rhetorical Imraan Perhaps this speech was the answer of a young Astvtaha Amran, but no hemorrhoids Pmanap values in the prayers to the harm, is over. There is nothing wrong to ask about the ruling, unless teach him to the possibility that it needs later, saying, "If he can not," he quoted him who said: Do not move the patient to a sitting but after not being able to do, was narrated by Ayaz on Shafi'i, and Malik, Ahmad and Ishaq: not required nothing but the presence of hardship, and known Shaafa'is to be possible to deny the existence of extreme hardship to do, Oochow increase Owalhlak disease, not only at the lowest difficulty, hardship and severe head rotation in the right passenger ship, etc.).

    [B] How to sitting [/ b]

    Gold scholars how best to failure of the patient in the prayer that is unable to stand, having agreed on a passport which is how he wants, the doctrines are:

    1. Pray sitting cross-legged, the owner of this doctrine, and revolutionary, Layth, Ahmad, and Ishaq, and the words of the authors who compiled and Abu Hanifa.

    2. Underlay and pray, and that the doctrine of Shafi'i and Abu Hanifa.

    3. Mutawarrikan pray.

    4. How willing.
    Albrzai said in the refinement of the Code: (and its links to any patient sitting Mmsuka tags dearer to me than lying down, and not based on a menstruating woman or side).

    The scholars differed as well as the two views: Do links exist with the light is confined to the better? Or sitting down with the reading of Surah Fatiha and?

    It seems to me, and God knows that he is confined to the light with the best of Allaah knows best and bring the fatiha, because if he came and if the element did not read the Sura left a year.

    [B] how to pray on the side [/ b]

    Inability to stand or sitting on the side and prayed, went scholars received the kiss of the following:

    1. Receives kiss his face on the right side if he can not on his side and left his body by Calmette in the grave, and that the view of Maalik and Ahmad and Dawood, which is narrated from Umar and his son, which is correct.

    2. Lying on his back and face towards his feet, and lifted his head a little to the top of this view of Abu Hanifa, who compiled the face.

    3. Lie down on his right side and curl the bottom of his feet to kiss.

    [B] Complete the bowing and at least [/ b]

    Complete the bowing is as much as it is to bend parallel to the forehead and behind his knees from the ground.

    And less bowing to bend so that the equivalent of his forehead place of prostration.

    [B] complete prostration [/ b]

    To prostrate on seven members: the forehead, nose, hands, knees and feet.

    It could not prostrate on the ground prostrated on the left or right temple.

    The deficit came about that everything possible from bowing and prostrating, so that makes a minimum of bowing and prostrating.

    [B] prostrate on the pillow or something high-Earth [/ b]

    Passed a range of them Umm Salamah, al-Bayhaqi narrated it on the pillow, they bowed to conjunctivitis, and prevent others from him.

    Said in the refinement of the Code: (the extent to prostrate prostrated on the ground, and only nodded his head and his back, and lifted to his forehead to prostrate on anything, nor placed in his hands to prostrate on anything, the act of ignorance and that is no longer).

    The more correct to do so to do Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased, and Allah knows best.

    The inability of even knelt praying for moderation, moderation bug fell from him, fell down in prostration, even if the illness continues to prostrate before he has to moderation, although still the reason he does not prostrate in moderation.

    [B] if opened and then pray standing deficit [/ b]

    I stayed in and finished his prayer, as well as the matter is that the inability to sit, lie down and did the prayer and not to do anything.

    And vice versa if opened by prayer, and then sitting down to do as much as he completed his prayer, and also said that lay and then opened as much as sitting on the sat and completed his prayer.

    [B] of the bug was in the back [/ b]

    Was in the back of the bug prevents it from bowing and prostrating, but does not prevent him from doing, he must do, and kneel and prostrate as obedience.

    [B] of his back was a bug prevents it from bending to do without [/ b]

    Bowed his crucifixion, if he can not bowed his neck and head, but I need to tend to the right side Owaloiser extent or to do anything.

    But could not stretched thin already motioned to bowing and prostrating.

    [B] of arched his back to his time or of old age or disability and became Kalrakaa [/ b]

    Then he must do as energy, increased in curvature in the bow, and said he should pray sitting down, and likely the first, because it could.

    [B] Prayer for the patient [/ b]

    The patient was able to pray with a group of Muslims in the mosque, he did, but could not, he should pray with the group of patients, or those able to them.

    The scholars differed as to which is better for the patient to pray standing alone and reduce the reading or praying with the congregation, although I need to sitting sits on two views, and the most correct scholarly opinion to pray with the congregation, although I need to sitting sits, the virtue of prayer, and because of this capacity.

    [B] of a particular pain or underwent a trusted doctor and told him to his religion and bewitched him to pray lying [/ b]

    Gold scholars in the doctrines are:

    1. Do not repeat for fear of damage and go sight, this view of the majority is likely to collect the lesser of two evils.

    2. Does not do, and that the doctrine of Umm Salamah, and Aisha, Abu Huraira, Ibn Abbas of the Sahaba, and the owner of the imams.

    3. And do not return.

    Quoted Inhibitors to it as Al-Nawawi said in total Narrated by Bayhaqi reported that Amr ibn Dinar said: (what happened in the eyes of Ibn Abbas, the water wanted to address it was said to stay such and such does not pray but lying Vkrha; In the novel Ibn Abbas dosed: What if the term before?!

    As narrated by al-Bayhaqi from Abu Duha attribution is weak Oogerh that Abd al-Malik Ibn Abbas sent to physicians on the cold water was signed in his eyes, said: pray seven days lying on the Agafak asked Umm Salama and Aisha about it Venhtah. In the novel: that Asfy Aisha and Abu Huraira, Al-Nawawi said: denied by some scholars said: this is invalid in that Aisha, Umm Salamah, who died before the succession of King Abdullah Bozman. This denial is false, it is not necessary mission to send at the time of his succession, but sent in succession and the time of Aisha, Umm Salamah, and bulking sent a cold, such as Abd al-Malik it was before the succession of the heads of the Umayyads and their supervision, and the people of prestige and to be able and Basta world sent cold is not difficult it, nor on without him in varying degrees and God knows best).

    Albrzai in Maliki said in the refinement of the Code: (and hates who slanders the water in his eyes to pray lying on his back two days and so the act never returned).

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (Our companions said if he is able to do, hitting conjunctivitis Oogerh of pain eye Oogerh, said his doctor trusted his religion and to know that I prayed lying Ooamadtdjaa possible Mdauatc Otherwise, there is the fear you blindness is not for the Shafi of the question text and our companions in praying it .. The more correct when the public may lie down and lie down and restart it, and the second is not permissible, and has said Sheikh Obouhamd and Abanndnaiji and Dlelhma in the book, even if it was said to him: "I prayed sitting afford medication, said the Holy Imam: may be sitting absolutely ... and who Coconut him lie down in the origin of matter scientists Obohanifp ; and those who prevent him Aisha, Umm Salamah, and the owner, and al).

    [B] a combination of the patient [/ b]

    Permissible for a patient that was unable to pray every prayer at the proper time to combine Zuhr and Asr from noon to sunset at any hour of their time this joint, and between Maghrib and Isha at any hour of their time from sunset to just before dawn, and pray Fajr in its time, from sunrise until just before sunrise.

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:16

    [color:9abb=#000]Duha prayer and goodness
    "Prayer Alowaben while Tramad Haggling" talking
    Praise be to Allah who has not created mankind in vain, and did not leave them in vain, but he created them to worship Him, and sent them messengers, and revealed to them his books, was pointed to them the religion of God the True, and the Straight Path, and left them the Amahgp white, night is path that is clear, no one deviates from it but he is doomed.

    [B] of God's mercy towards His slaves, and grace and gratitude, that many and the number of them ways of goodness, and the reasons for satisfaction and acceptance of, and pleased everyone to create his, and the virtue of some work on some, and the Bounty of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases, and Allah is of great bounty.

    Abu Dhar may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "it is every phalanx (phalanx annexation of the Seine and mitigate the lam, meem: detailed, and every human being 360 in detail) of any one charity, all praise is a charity, every tahmeedah charity, every tahleelah charity, every opening charity, enjoining what is good charity, and forbidding what is evil is a charity, and to reward it rak'ahs Erkaahma than the forenoon. "(Muslim, no [720].)

    After ..

    Alowaben do the prayer walk, and great virtues, and reward you very much, though it is not her virtue but it is sufficient for the charity that becomes the human joints every day for her palms as well, and increased by one order, what is the status of the prayer? How many rak'ahs? What is the ruling and the best times? And related? This is what we would like to refer to in this article, we say to God, and conciliation:

    The number of rak'ahs

    Less Duha prayer: rak'ahs.

    Best: four rak'ahs, two by two.

    Most: Eight rak'ahs, and was twelve rak'ah, and was told no limit to the most.

    Out by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh bonds said: I heard Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Layla says: "What is narrated by one he saw the Prophet peace be upon him pray Duha's mother Carefree, she said: The Prophet peace be upon him entered her home on the conquest of Mecca did ghusl and prayed eight rak'ahs "(Bukhari in tahajjud door Duha prayer in Travel No. [1176].), and Aisha, when a Muslim:" He used to pray Duha-four more than the willing ", and Naim bin Hammaar may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: "God says: I'm Adam, do not Tadzni rak'ahs of four of the first Okvk etc. Good day." (Al-Nawawi said in total c 4 / 39 Narrated by Abu Dawood attribution correctly.)

    Jabir al-Tabaraani in al-Awsat also said in al-Fath (c 3 / 54.): "That peace be upon him blessings Duha six rak'ahs," Anas brought: "Whoever prays twelve Duha Allah will build him a house in Paradise." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, Al-Hafiz said: It is not attributed in the so-called weaknesses ibid., p. 54.)

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (a minimum of two rak'ahs, and most eight rak'ahs, so said the workbook (Shirazi polite.) And most of, and said Rawiyaani and Rafii and others: the most twelve rak'ahs, and the recent weak .. and less perfect four, and better than six, our companions said: and delivers all of the two, and intends to rak'ahs of Duha). (Total polite explanation c 4 / 36.)


    The peace be upon him ease the reading, with the completion of bowing and prostrating, it is a short prayer, Inc, was narrated that Umm Hani God bless them in their description of his prayer to her: "... did not see never lighter ones, but it is bowing and prostrating." (Bukhari in tahajjud No. [1176].)

    In the novel Abdullah bin Harith may Allah be pleased with him: "I do not know where Okiemh longer or bowing or prostrating, all converging." (Muslim).

    Said Al-Hafiz: (It was understood that it is mustahabb ease of Duha prayer, and the consideration of the possibility that the reason the full-time missions open to the large filled tags, has been proven to do peace be upon him that peace be upon him forenoon, The length of which was narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah of modern Hudhayfah). (c Conquest 3 / 53 - 54.)

    And then

    From the rising of the sun to go away.

    Best time

    Haggling Tramad when, because of the hadeeth of Zayd ibn Arqam may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Prayer Alowaben while Tramad Haggling." (Muslim).

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (Tramad opening V and M, and the frying pan into the sand, which heated the temperature of any sunny when urinating Chapters of the extreme heat in the hoof).

    And said: "The owner of the container: the time chosen: If the past quarter of the day). (For a total of C 4 / 36.)


    Duha prayer is a confirmed Sunnah, and that the doctrine of the public, including three imams, Malik and Ahmad, a delegate at the Abu Hanifa.

    Said for the author of happiness (p. 140.) Maliki Duha prayer: (confirmed at three years old, a delegate at the Abu Hanifa), and Al-Nawawi said: (Duha prayer is a confirmed Sunnah). (For a total of C 4 / 36.)

    He said Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar may God have mercy on him: (and I'm collecting the values in the guidance (c 1 / 341-360.) Words in the Duha prayer amounted to six) (c Conquest 3 / 55.) Summary:

    1. Desirable.

    2. Is not prescribed but for some reason.

    3. Mustahabb not already.

    4. Recommended do sometimes and sometimes so as not to leave it a regular practice, and this one account, from Ahmad.

    5. Mustahabb prayer and attendance at home.

    6. It is heresy.

    The more correct view of the majority it is a confirmed Sunnah, what comes from the evidence.

    Evidence of the Sunni Duha prayer

    Evidence that many Sunni Duha prayer, which we mention the following:

    1. The hadeeth of Umm Hani Previous: "The Prophet peace be upon him entered her home on the conquest of Mecca and prayed eight ghusl rak'ahs" talk. (Sahih Bukhari in the boot No. [1176] and Muslim.)

    2. Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: "advised me not three Odahn until I die: fasting three days of each month, praying Duha, and sleeping on the water." (Sahih Bukhari in the door of Duha prayer vigils in urban No. [1178].)

    3. And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him pray Duha four, and over what God wills." (Muslim).

    4. And Abdullah's brother Ben said: "I said to Aisha, may Allah be pleased:" Did the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him pray Duha? Said: No, but that comes from the absent. "(Muslim prayer book passengers Excellence of Duha prayer.)

    5. And Zaid bin Arqam may Allah be pleased with him that: "saw people praying Duha, said:" We have learned that prayer is not in this time the best, The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "The prayer Alowaben while Tramad Haggling." (Muslim prayer book passengers door mustahabb Duha prayer.)

    6. And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "I never saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him swim swim morning and I Osobhha." (Bukhari).

    7. In the novel her: "I never saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him swim swim forenoon, and I Osobhha, but the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to let the work he loves to work, fearing that people work Vivrd them." (Muslim prayer book passengers door mustahabb Duha prayer.)

    8. The executor of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Abu Darda and Abu Dhar, Abu Hurayra, as executor, God bless them.

    9. And the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah quoted above: "it is every phalanx .." Talk.

    Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (The collection's ruling in deducing Duha prayer in a single piece, and the mention of most of these statements based on, and the number of narrators of this hadeeth to prove in about twenty-breath of the companions). (C Conquest 3 / 55.)

    The wisdom of non-perseverance, peace be upon him to pray in Duha

    Reason and wisdom in not perseverance or her qualifications on the Duha prayer is the same reason for which they did not attend the Taraweeh prayers in congregation, which fear that impose on the nation, and he loved his nation mitigation, and this combines the conversations that were received in the virtues and effects, which denied her qualifications may Allah bless him him on it.

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (the scientists said in a combination of these conversations that the Prophet peace be upon him he does not keep the Duha prayer for fear that impose on the nation Aa'ishah which also proved this in the Hadith (the hadeeth of Zayd ibn Arqam before.), And do it in some times as stated by Aisha in conversations the former, as reported or carefree, and recommended by the Abu Darda and Abu Huraira. and the words of Aisha: "What I saw prayed," does not violate the saying: "if he prays," because the Prophet peace be upon him he does not have in the time of Duha except in the rare times, because peace be upon him at a time when traveling in time to be present, and may be in urban areas in the mosque and elsewhere, and if he is at home he had nine wives, and had divided them, if considered what we have said what happened around noon When Aisha, except in the rare times, and she saw him prayed in those times are rare, she said: "What I saw," and worked without a vision that if he prays in telling him peace be upon him Oobibar other, grapefruit, it is not inconsistent with them). (Total 4 / 38.)

    And Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (and non-attendance of the Prophet peace be upon him to do does not contradict that doing so because it holds in terms of say, and not a condition of governance that combine the evidence was in word and deed, but what often with the Prophet peace be upon him to do, likely as not regularly be ). (c Conquest 3 / 57.)

    The view of Ibn Mas'ud, Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them it is an innovation does not pay a Sunni and the legitimacy of Duha prayer

    Out by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh from sprouted rotavirus said: "I said to Ibn Umar: Call Duha? Said: I do not. I said: Abu-Bakr? Said:" No? "I said: The Prophet peace be upon him? Said:" No Ikhalh. "(Sahih Bukhari in tahajjud No. [1175].)

    And Abu reel has seen NASA pray Duha said: "You are to pray the prayer that prays the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his companions in general." (And attributed correctly as investigator said Zaad.)

    And Qais bin Obaid said: I disagree to Ibn Masoud whole year, what I saw him praying Duha.

    The People said: I heard Ibn Umar said: "What created the Muslims better than the Duha prayer."

    Ibn al-Qayyim may God have mercy on him, commenting on the conversations and the effects contained in the Duha prayer denied WITNESS: (differed as to the people in these conversations on the roads, many of whom favored a novel reaction to the Turk, as installed include the increase of science mysteries at precluding, and said: It was permissible to go science such as this for many people, and present at least, they said: I have been told Aisha, and Anas, Jabber, Umm Hani, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, he prayed, they said: This is supported by conversations right containing the commandment, and maintain them, and praise the one who does, and praise be upon him) . (Zaad c 1 / 345-346).

    He said Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar may God have mercy on him: (The reason for stop Ibn Umar that that he had heard from others that he prayed and did not trust that those who said ... Ibn Abi Shaybah attribution is true for the popular Ibn Umar said: "What I pray Duha since converted to Islam but I tour the House ", ie Vosali at the time, not the intention of the Duha prayer, but on the intention of wandering, and was probably Inoehma together, and came from Ibn Umar that he was doing it at a particular time, and will come after the seven sections of the road is useful that I'm Umar did not pray Duha except day offers Mecca, it was provided by the House and then sacrificed and perform the prayer began, and on the mosque of Quba.

    To be said:

    In the sentence, not in the sayings of Ibn Umar (or anything else.) Pays the legality of Duha prayer, because his denial not to see a portable, not to not to fall in the same order, which denied the status or specific ... Said Ayaz and others: but denied the son of Omar Mlazemtha and show them in the mosque and the prayer in congregation, because it is contrary to the Sunnah, and is supported by the report narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah from Ibn Mas'ud that he saw some people would offer it denied them, and said: If he must in your home). (Fath c 3 / 52 - 53.)

    The above is clear to us the following:

    1. That the view of Ibn Umar and Ibn Massoud, and of the Avgahma it is innovation and it is meant to innovation language is not heresy legitimacy, as evidenced by Asthsanhma her, and saying this is similar to the words of life when people gather to pray to and objected to Abu ibn Ka'b as heresy, he said: "If this heresy Vnamt innovation is ".

    2. The objection of opponents is not the root of the Duha prayer, but on the capacity in which it was performed, either in the group, or in the mosque, and after sunrise, either directly, or for some other reason, and God knows best.

    3. OBJECTION This indicates that the Duha prayer is not of Sunnah prayers before and arranged prayers, but is a confirmed Sunnah performed in the home.

    4. This objection is based on non-attendance and the maintenance of the Prophet peace be upon him by, and the reason for non-attendance as we feared that does not impose on them and then they can afford.

    5. Both taken from the words and leave whatever his status and his knowledge and stature, but the Prophet peace be upon him.

    6. Of the strongest evidence of a Sunni Duha prayer and maintain his will peace be upon him for three of the choice of his companions Almcmaren of worship: Abu Dhar, Abu Darda and Abu Huraira, and parts thereof for charity joints every day: "it is every phalanx of any one charity .." Talk.

    What is recommended to read the

    Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (narrated by the ruling by Abu good for obstacle Ben Amer said: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to pray Duha wall of the sun and the overnight and morning", and appropriate that phenomenon too). (Fath c 3 / 55. )

    And ask God that we are pleased to left, and utilitarian anniversary, and may Allah bless him and bless the gift of Mercy, and grace rendered, and the lit candle, and his family and companions of them until the Day of Judgement.

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:15

    [color:bb0e=#000]Duha prayer and goodness
    "Prayer Alowaben while Tramad Haggling" talking
    Praise be to Allah who has not created mankind in vain, and did not leave them in vain, but he created them to worship Him, and sent them messengers, and revealed to them his books, was pointed to them the religion of God the True, and the Straight Path, and left them the Amahgp white, night is path that is clear, no one deviates from it but he is doomed.

    [B] of God's mercy towards His slaves, and grace and gratitude, that many and the number of them ways of goodness, and the reasons for satisfaction and acceptance of, and pleased everyone to create his, and the virtue of some work on some, and the Bounty of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases, and Allah is of great bounty.

    Abu Dhar may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "it is every phalanx (phalanx annexation of the Seine and mitigate the lam, meem: detailed, and every human being 360 in detail) of any one charity, all praise is a charity, every tahmeedah charity, every tahleelah charity, every opening charity, enjoining what is good charity, and forbidding what is evil is a charity, and to reward it rak'ahs Erkaahma than the forenoon. "(Muslim, no [720].)

    After ..

    Alowaben do the prayer walk, and great virtues, and reward you very much, though it is not her virtue but it is sufficient for the charity that becomes the human joints every day for her palms as well, and increased by one order, what is the status of the prayer? How many rak'ahs? What is the ruling and the best times? And related? This is what we would like to refer to in this article, we say to God, and conciliation:

    The number of rak'ahs

    Less Duha prayer: rak'ahs.

    Best: four rak'ahs, two by two.

    Most: Eight rak'ahs, and was twelve rak'ah, and was told no limit to the most.

    Out by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh bonds said: I heard Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Layla says: "What is narrated by one he saw the Prophet peace be upon him pray Duha's mother Carefree, she said: The Prophet peace be upon him entered her home on the conquest of Mecca did ghusl and prayed eight rak'ahs "(Bukhari in tahajjud door Duha prayer in Travel No. [1176].), and Aisha, when a Muslim:" He used to pray Duha-four more than the willing ", and Naim bin Hammaar may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: "God says: I'm Adam, do not Tadzni rak'ahs of four of the first Okvk etc. Good day." (Al-Nawawi said in total c 4 / 39 Narrated by Abu Dawood attribution correctly.)

    Jabir al-Tabaraani in al-Awsat also said in al-Fath (c 3 / 54.): "That peace be upon him blessings Duha six rak'ahs," Anas brought: "Whoever prays twelve Duha Allah will build him a house in Paradise." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, Al-Hafiz said: It is not attributed in the so-called weaknesses ibid., p. 54.)

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (a minimum of two rak'ahs, and most eight rak'ahs, so said the workbook (Shirazi polite.) And most of, and said Rawiyaani and Rafii and others: the most twelve rak'ahs, and the recent weak .. and less perfect four, and better than six, our companions said: and delivers all of the two, and intends to rak'ahs of Duha). (Total polite explanation c 4 / 36.)


    The peace be upon him ease the reading, with the completion of bowing and prostrating, it is a short prayer, Inc, was narrated that Umm Hani God bless them in their description of his prayer to her: "... did not see never lighter ones, but it is bowing and prostrating." (Bukhari in tahajjud No. [1176].)

    In the novel Abdullah bin Harith may Allah be pleased with him: "I do not know where Okiemh longer or bowing or prostrating, all converging." (Muslim).

    Said Al-Hafiz: (It was understood that it is mustahabb ease of Duha prayer, and the consideration of the possibility that the reason the full-time missions open to the large filled tags, has been proven to do peace be upon him that peace be upon him forenoon, The length of which was narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah of modern Hudhayfah). (c Conquest 3 / 53 - 54.)

    And then

    From the rising of the sun to go away.

    Best time

    Haggling Tramad when, because of the hadeeth of Zayd ibn Arqam may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Prayer Alowaben while Tramad Haggling." (Muslim).

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (Tramad opening V and M, and the frying pan into the sand, which heated the temperature of any sunny when urinating Chapters of the extreme heat in the hoof).

    And said: "The owner of the container: the time chosen: If the past quarter of the day). (For a total of C 4 / 36.)


    Duha prayer is a confirmed Sunnah, and that the doctrine of the public, including three imams, Malik and Ahmad, a delegate at the Abu Hanifa.

    Said for the author of happiness (p. 140.) Maliki Duha prayer: (confirmed at three years old, a delegate at the Abu Hanifa), and Al-Nawawi said: (Duha prayer is a confirmed Sunnah). (For a total of C 4 / 36.)

    He said Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar may God have mercy on him: (and I'm collecting the values in the guidance (c 1 / 341-360.) Words in the Duha prayer amounted to six) (c Conquest 3 / 55.) Summary:

    1. Desirable.

    2. Is not prescribed but for some reason.

    3. Mustahabb not already.

    4. Recommended do sometimes and sometimes so as not to leave it a regular practice, and this one account, from Ahmad.

    5. Mustahabb prayer and attendance at home.

    6. It is heresy.

    The more correct view of the majority it is a confirmed Sunnah, what comes from the evidence.

    Evidence of the Sunni Duha prayer

    Evidence that many Sunni Duha prayer, which we mention the following:

    1. The hadeeth of Umm Hani Previous: "The Prophet peace be upon him entered her home on the conquest of Mecca and prayed eight ghusl rak'ahs" talk. (Sahih Bukhari in the boot No. [1176] and Muslim.)

    2. Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: "advised me not three Odahn until I die: fasting three days of each month, praying Duha, and sleeping on the water." (Sahih Bukhari in the door of Duha prayer vigils in urban No. [1178].)

    3. And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him pray Duha four, and over what God wills." (Muslim).

    4. And Abdullah's brother Ben said: "I said to Aisha, may Allah be pleased:" Did the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him pray Duha? Said: No, but that comes from the absent. "(Muslim prayer book passengers Excellence of Duha prayer.)

    5. And Zaid bin Arqam may Allah be pleased with him that: "saw people praying Duha, said:" We have learned that prayer is not in this time the best, The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "The prayer Alowaben while Tramad Haggling." (Muslim prayer book passengers door mustahabb Duha prayer.)

    6. And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "I never saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him swim swim morning and I Osobhha." (Bukhari).

    7. In the novel her: "I never saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him swim swim forenoon, and I Osobhha, but the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to let the work he loves to work, fearing that people work Vivrd them." (Muslim prayer book passengers door mustahabb Duha prayer.)

    8. The executor of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Abu Darda and Abu Dhar, Abu Hurayra, as executor, God bless them.

    9. And the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah quoted above: "it is every phalanx .." Talk.

    Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (The collection's ruling in deducing Duha prayer in a single piece, and the mention of most of these statements based on, and the number of narrators of this hadeeth to prove in about twenty-breath of the companions). (C Conquest 3 / 55.)

    The wisdom of non-perseverance, peace be upon him to pray in Duha

    Reason and wisdom in not perseverance or her qualifications on the Duha prayer is the same reason for which they did not attend the Taraweeh prayers in congregation, which fear that impose on the nation, and he loved his nation mitigation, and this combines the conversations that were received in the virtues and effects, which denied her qualifications may Allah bless him him on it.

    Al-Nawawi said may God have mercy on him: (the scientists said in a combination of these conversations that the Prophet peace be upon him he does not keep the Duha prayer for fear that impose on the nation Aa'ishah which also proved this in the Hadith (the hadeeth of Zayd ibn Arqam before.), And do it in some times as stated by Aisha in conversations the former, as reported or carefree, and recommended by the Abu Darda and Abu Huraira. and the words of Aisha: "What I saw prayed," does not violate the saying: "if he prays," because the Prophet peace be upon him he does not have in the time of Duha except in the rare times, because peace be upon him at a time when traveling in time to be present, and may be in urban areas in the mosque and elsewhere, and if he is at home he had nine wives, and had divided them, if considered what we have said what happened around noon When Aisha, except in the rare times, and she saw him prayed in those times are rare, she said: "What I saw," and worked without a vision that if he prays in telling him peace be upon him Oobibar other, grapefruit, it is not inconsistent with them). (Total 4 / 38.)

    And Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (and non-attendance of the Prophet peace be upon him to do does not contradict that doing so because it holds in terms of say, and not a condition of governance that combine the evidence was in word and deed, but what often with the Prophet peace be upon him to do, likely as not regularly be ). (c Conquest 3 / 57.)

    The view of Ibn Mas'ud, Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them it is an innovation does not pay a Sunni and the legitimacy of Duha prayer

    Out by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh from sprouted rotavirus said: "I said to Ibn Umar: Call Duha? Said: I do not. I said: Abu-Bakr? Said:" No? "I said: The Prophet peace be upon him? Said:" No Ikhalh. "(Sahih Bukhari in tahajjud No. [1175].)

    And Abu reel has seen NASA pray Duha said: "You are to pray the prayer that prays the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his companions in general." (And attributed correctly as investigator said Zaad.)

    And Qais bin Obaid said: I disagree to Ibn Masoud whole year, what I saw him praying Duha.

    The People said: I heard Ibn Umar said: "What created the Muslims better than the Duha prayer."

    Ibn al-Qayyim may God have mercy on him, commenting on the conversations and the effects contained in the Duha prayer denied WITNESS: (differed as to the people in these conversations on the roads, many of whom favored a novel reaction to the Turk, as installed include the increase of science mysteries at precluding, and said: It was permissible to go science such as this for many people, and present at least, they said: I have been told Aisha, and Anas, Jabber, Umm Hani, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, he prayed, they said: This is supported by conversations right containing the commandment, and maintain them, and praise the one who does, and praise be upon him) . (Zaad c 1 / 345-346).

    He said Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar may God have mercy on him: (The reason for stop Ibn Umar that that he had heard from others that he prayed and did not trust that those who said ... Ibn Abi Shaybah attribution is true for the popular Ibn Umar said: "What I pray Duha since converted to Islam but I tour the House ", ie Vosali at the time, not the intention of the Duha prayer, but on the intention of wandering, and was probably Inoehma together, and came from Ibn Umar that he was doing it at a particular time, and will come after the seven sections of the road is useful that I'm Umar did not pray Duha except day offers Mecca, it was provided by the House and then sacrificed and perform the prayer began, and on the mosque of Quba.

    To be said:

    In the sentence, not in the sayings of Ibn Umar (or anything else.) Pays the legality of Duha prayer, because his denial not to see a portable, not to not to fall in the same order, which denied the status or specific ... Said Ayaz and others: but denied the son of Omar Mlazemtha and show them in the mosque and the prayer in congregation, because it is contrary to the Sunnah, and is supported by the report narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah from Ibn Mas'ud that he saw some people would offer it denied them, and said: If he must in your home). (Fath c 3 / 52 - 53.)

    The above is clear to us the following:

    1. That the view of Ibn Umar and Ibn Massoud, and of the Avgahma it is innovation and it is meant to innovation language is not heresy legitimacy, as evidenced by Asthsanhma her, and saying this is similar to the words of life when people gather to pray to and objected to Abu ibn Ka'b as heresy, he said: "If this heresy Vnamt innovation is ".

    2. The objection of opponents is not the root of the Duha prayer, but on the capacity in which it was performed, either in the group, or in the mosque, and after sunrise, either directly, or for some other reason, and God knows best.

    3. OBJECTION This indicates that the Duha prayer is not of Sunnah prayers before and arranged prayers, but is a confirmed Sunnah performed in the home.

    4. This objection is based on non-attendance and the maintenance of the Prophet peace be upon him by, and the reason for non-attendance as we feared that does not impose on them and then they can afford.

    5. Both taken from the words and leave whatever his status and his knowledge and stature, but the Prophet peace be upon him.

    6. Of the strongest evidence of a Sunni Duha prayer and maintain his will peace be upon him for three of the choice of his companions Almcmaren of worship: Abu Dhar, Abu Darda and Abu Huraira, and parts thereof for charity joints every day: "it is every phalanx of any one charity .." Talk.

    What is recommended to read the

    Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: (narrated by the ruling by Abu good for obstacle Ben Amer said: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to pray Duha wall of the sun and the overnight and morning", and appropriate that phenomenon too). (Fath c 3 / 55. )

    And ask God that we are pleased to left, and utilitarian anniversary, and may Allah bless him and bless the gift of Mercy, and grace rendered, and the lit candle, and his family and companions of them until the Day of Judgement.

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:14

    [color:8223=#000]Ablution inside the bathroom

    Nothing wrong with that ablution inside the bathroom, if the need arises, and is called at the first ablution, he says: (the name of God); because the label due to some scholars, and is certain that when most, it comes out and disappear dislike; because dislike disappear when there is a need to label , and naming rights officer at the first ablution, and is called the complement and its light.

    The tashahhud is after exit from the bathroom - which is: Shop eliminate the need - and when he finished out of the light and copiously abroad. If the bathroom just for ablution is not for faeces and urine, there is nothing wrong to come by it; because it does not eliminate the need to shop.

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:14

    [color:a000=#000]Ablution from the water community in the pot under the tap

    Q: Sometimes I take ablution; and be under the faucet vessel meets the water, what is the ruling of ablution water, which met in the pot, and whether, if this water of wudu prayer is correct? .

    A: ablution of water in a pot of community members or wudoo Amotzl is clean.

    The scholars differed in Thoriuch, is it permissible for purification of ablution and wash with it, or just pure, like water restricted, such as: water, water, grapes, pomegranates, and so on?

    More likely: that purification; because the Prophet peace be upon him: (The water purification does not defile anything) Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Sunan Ibn Majah only attribution correctly.

    The only exception to this but what has changed color, taste or scent impurity, if the change has become so unclean unanimously.

    But leave the ablution of water such as this guide is better and safer; of scholarly dispute, and what is located where some of the dirt, winning by wudu or ghusl.

    What is meant by Wudu: The ablutions of the face and beyond.

    God grants success.

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ رد: Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:13

    Links van die etiket in die ablusie per ongeluk

    Het gegaan openbare gesondheid geleerdes ablusie sonder 'n etiket. Sommige van die geleerdes aan die behoefte om etiket met die kennis, manlike, aan Roy vir die vrede op hom, het hy gesê:

    (Nie die lig van diegene wat nie noem die naam van Allah op hom), maar van die verlaat van hulle uit vergetelheid of onkunde Voduh waar is, en hy kom nie terug, selfs as ons moet etiket; verskoon as gevolg van onkunde en vergetelheid. Die argument in hierdie vers: "(God straf ons nie as ons vergeet of val) is waar van die boodskapper van Allah vrede wees op hom (dat God het gehoor gegee aan hierdie gebed).

    Daarom weet jy as jy vergeet om die etiket in die eerste ablusie en dan het ek genoem in die loop van wat Hy julle geroep het, en jy hoef nie eers terugkeer; verskoon om te vergeet nie. Mag God aan almal

    موقع قف وناظر |أفلام اون لاين منوعة|برنامج استضافة مفيدة|تحميل برامج|تحميل العاب|تحميل افلام أجنبية جديده|كل ماتتخيله ومالاتتخيله لدنيا الموقع العالمي قف وناظر www.abade.roo7.biz|اخبار نجوم الفن والمشاهير | بيع وشراء

    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$14784449$$ Gebed

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:13

    [color:f313=#000]Uitgifte van die voorneme om in gebed en ablusie

    Q: Vra: a. B - 'n Soedanese woonagtig in Jeddah sê: Wat is die uitspraak Uitgifte die voorneme om in gebed en ablusiegeriewe?

    A: Die reël dat dit kettery is, want hy het nie die verslag dat die profeet die vrede op hom en sy geselskap, so ons het agtergebly, en die bedoeling is om die hart, daar is geen behoefte aan te spreek die bedoeling is.

    God gun sukses.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد 8 سبتمبر - 8:43