موقع قف وناظر

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
موقع قف وناظر

اسلامي ثقافي حواء وادم موقع قف وناظر ملتقى العالمي مجلة قف وناظر منتدى عالمي فنانين ومشاهير نجوم علماء وموسوعه

2 مشترك

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy

    اشــطر كــسلانه
    اشــطر كــسلانه

    $$878$$ رد: Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy

    مُساهمة من طرف اشــطر كــسلانه الثلاثاء 28 ديسمبر - 16:32

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy W6w200510230246182a06b4f60sp

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy 191pm

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy 0636

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy 0638

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy 34

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy 1137114121_3

    Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy W6w_w6w_2005050321445632512519ff98
    Crazy Love20
    Crazy Love20
    مستشارين الادارة العامة
    مستشارين الادارة العامة

    $$878$$ Attitude of the Prophet peace be upon him, with servants and the weak and needy

    مُساهمة من طرف Crazy Love20 الإثنين 8 نوفمبر - 21:07

    [color:d10a=#000]Anas may Allah be pleased with him said, "I served the Prophet peace be upon him for ten years, and what God never said F, and said something I have not done so and will you as well as the" - Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim
    And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her hit the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him is his servant, or a woman does not hit anything at hand, but is struggling in the way of Allah Bukhari and Muslim
    And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him between the two, however, never took the easier it was not a sin, if sin was far from the people and avenged peace be upon him for himself, however, never to violate the sanctity of God's easier choice"
    Ibn Abi fuller that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was not the nose is not too proud to walk with the widow and the needy and the slave until he has a need narrated by women and the Governor

    Mercy of the Prophet peace be upon him: He says: (but as a mercy for all creatures) (the Prophets: 107)
    And the Almighty said: (the great mercy of God Lent if you're harsh heart to shake around you forgive them and ask forgiveness for them) (Al-Imran: 159)
    When he was told to pray to the polytheists said peace be upon him: "I did not send for Ana, but sent as a mercy" - Narrated by Muslim
    And the prayer of the Prophet peace be upon him: (God is the guardian of my thing, too difficult for them, Vahqq it, and a guardian of is my thing, Verwq them, Farfq)
    He said peace be upon him the virtue of mercy: (Alrahmon Rahman mercy, mercy mercy in the earth from the sky) Narrated by Tirmidhi and horses
    He said peace be upon him in Paradise, who told them, saying: (the people of Paradise Three - said of them: - a man of compassion and tender heart with each of kin and Muslim) "Narrated by Muslim

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 21 سبتمبر - 2:23